Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Can you eat rice with these?"

Yesterday someone from Saudi Arabia asked someone from Korea if he used chopsticks to eat. So today, for a conversation activity, I had the Asians teach the Saudis to use chopsticks.

I brought some old pairs from home; I have a lot. I wondered what I could use for them to pick up. I had to settle for cotton balls. "Can we eat these?" they joked.

It was a fun activity with chances for Lee and Steven to talk and teach.

Some students chose to keep the chopsticks, to practice.

A couple of them asked, "Can you eat rice with these?" They were used to a drier rice, not the sticky kind Asians eat--and they were picturing picking up pieces of it one by one. At that rate, we agreed, one meal would take all day!


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